Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Excellent review! Check this out immediately and buy lots of copies.
No Other Gods: An Adventure for Testament

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Scott Carter's adventure for Testament is out at last! Looks really nice. EN World - Morrus' D&D / d20 News & Reviews Site - Press - [HMP] No Other Gods - An Adventure for Testament now available!
I'm so excited that my Indian sourcebook, Sahasra: Land of 1,000 Cities, is out. Here's the announcement on EN World. I really don't think I've seen a PDF this attractively laid out and illustrated, and the cover is amazing.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Awesome artwork! Tara McPherson does weird and cool stuff. Check it out:

Friday, December 09, 2005

Okay, this is what I want for my new hobby! English Longbow We've got a big enough backyard for it! Away, ye nay-sayers who say I'll shoot THEIR eyes out!!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Jhonen Olain's Eberron Journal - way cool site with lots of Eberron fluff and crunch
Illustrations for the German Unknown Armies edition: Really amazing and scary stuff. The illustrations in the English version are great, but WOW.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Female Like Me - ihaveanidea Whoa, this is a rebuttal article for a famous ad executive's disparaging remarks about women in a public forum. Very interesting debate.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Friday, October 07, 2005

New review of Rolling the Bones: , post #5.

Friday, September 16, 2005

From the Dungeon to the Dictionary - What a fascinating site! See? D&D is good for expanding your vocabulary. Is there nothing it can't do? (Well, yeah, but I was making a point for comic effect here.)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Unknown Armies. Ein Rollenspiel um Macht und Konsequenzen - Home Cool cover, the German version of UA.
I Am A: Neutral Good Half-Elf Ranger Fighter

Neutral Good characters believe in the power of good above all else. They will work to make the world a better place, and will do whatever is necessary to bring that about, whether it goes for or against whatever is considered 'normal'.

Half-Elves are a cross between a human and an elf. They are smaller, like their elven ancestors, but have a much shorter lifespan. They are sometimes looked down upon as half-breeds, but this is rare. They have both the curious drive of humans and the patience of elves.

Primary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.

Secondary Class:
Fighters are the warriors. They use weapons to accomplish their goals. This isn't to say that they aren't intelligent, but that they do, in fact, believe that violence is frequently the answer.

Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy ofNeppyMan (e-mail)

My comments: Okay, I get neutral good and half-elf. I don't get Ranger. That definition sounds more like a druid than a ranger.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Thursday, August 25, 2005

A Look at the "Look" of Ptolus - I am going to HAVE to have this when it comes out, if just for the artwork! This is magnificent--takes gaming books to a whole new level.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Little Rivkah's Journal cool stuff about WizardWorld Chicago

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Word to road crews: Tuscaloosa is over 1,000 miles thataway - The Boston Globe - - Local - News - and it's really sad that people didn't notice. Or don't know the shape of Alabama. Heck, I know the shape of Massachusetts!
The Official Geek Test - I scored 1075 on this one, which makes me a Level 5 geek. Was there ever any doubt?

Friday, July 22, 2005

D20 System Guide & Reviews Review of Rolling the Bones. I feel the writer of the review really misses the point.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Thanks to Steve Jackson's Daily Illuminator for a great new word: "Apophenia -- Seeing connections in meaningless or unconnected data."

Which, of course, begs the question: Is any data really meaningless or unconnected?

Friday, July 15, 2005

GameSpy: PlanetFargo: Dungeons & Dragons Made Simple - Dungeons and Dragons for Complete and Utter Idiots is hysterical. MUST read the flowchart on the second page.
Bunny Thanks to Bill for the heads-up on this one. I think this is the sibling Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter don't mention.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

NASA - Return to Flight Grr, the flight's been scrubbed! I'm all for safety, but I think they're going overboard now. I know what the truth is--they didn't want to launch on the 13th!
Styled Checkboxes This is completely amazing! Cudos to Mr. Howard!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Monkey Spoons Bill!
Alea Tools, Home of Magnetically Stackable Markers! - Cool idea, especially for multiple monsters - What a great site for dice! They have very cool elven rune dice and all sorts of other kinds, plus accessories.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Friday, July 08, 2005

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Terrorism in London ( A blog by the wife of an EN World member. Amazing to be able to get reports from list members worldwide. Fortunately all the Daniel House people are accounting for, and nearly all the genealogy group.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Angels from Another Pin Brooklyn Superhero Supply! How cool is that? Plus, a quote from WKRP. What more could you want?

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Huzzah! I've been upgraded from Provisional Affiliate to Affiliate of the Horror Writers Association! The approval came as a result of my Rolling the Bones RPG supplement (see my home page for purchasing information).

I'm currently working on a setting proposal for Dog Soul Publishing. More as it develops, but you can find clues in recent links I've posted.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Saturday, June 25, 2005

THE HISTORICAL EPHEMERIS - Index and Contents Came across this while doing research on ancient Indian history. Weird and fun!

Friday, June 24, 2005 Kalinga This is a truly awesome site! I can't believe it has escaped my notice. Examples of scripts, too.
Greg Stolze

Monday, June 20, 2005

Caitlin Kiernan's home page I'm currently reading Kiernan's Threshold (out of order, since I read Low Red Moon first). Highly recommended. Lovecraftian in a subtle way. Knowing where the Birmingham locations are that she references makes it that much scarier.
EN World - Morrus' D&D / d20 News & Reviews Site - General - Railroading is bad? OHMIGOSH, someone else has picked up "Belgian Congo" as a gaming phrase! How cool is that?

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Strange: June Fortean Events
EN World - Morrus' D&D / d20 News & Reviews Site - General - [IronDM] Iron DM Returns! Finals, Match 1 Ingedients posted. Hurray! Stormborn's made it to the finals. What an awful list of ingredients! I think he's done a great job of working with them, though.

Friday, June 10, 2005

The Order of the Stick - by Rich Burlew My favorite line: "Sacrificing minions: is there any problem it CAN'T solve?"

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Night Stalker (2005) - TV Series - TV Tome

This is one of those times I'll have to completely forget the old series when looking at the new one. But they're putting it on Thursday night opposite CSI, so doesn't sound like they're serious about it anyway. Playing Kolchak is a guy who was originally supposed to play Aragorn but was thought too young. Oh dear. In other words, NOTHING like the Kolchak of the books.

Oh, well. Just found out that there's a 5-DVD box set of all the Kolchak eps...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

May is a month in which falls of various strange kinds have occurred throughout history, according to the esteemed Charles Fort. Here is a list of them, taken from The Book of the Damned in The Complete Books of Charles Fort, Dover, 1974.

  • May 1652 - fall of viscous mass with a luminous meteorite between Siena and Rome
  • May 1830 - fall of red ("vegetable") matter in rain, Siena, Italy
  • May 1858 - fall of great numbers of beetle larvae, "inanimate as if with cold," Mortagne, France
  • April 30, May 1 & May 2, [1856?] - fall of reddish to yellowish substance, carbonized, "spread the odor of charred animal matter", France and Spain
  • May 1, 1863 - fall of red meal mixed with fine sand, Perpignan
  • May 3, 1877 - fall of masses of ice "large as a man's hand, killing thousands of sheep," Texas
  • May 3, 1884 - black rain at Crowle, England, near Worcester, accompanied by earthquakes
  • May 8, 1802 - fall, during a storm, of a "mass of ice 3' long, 3' wide, and more than 2' thick", Hungary
  • May 11, 1894 - fall of a small piece of alabaster, Vicksburg, Miss.; 8 miles away in Bovina, Miss., fall of a gopher turtle, both in a hailstorm
  • May 12, 1811 - fall of lumps of ice, a foot in circumference, Derbyshire, England
  • May 14, 1849 - ink-colored rain, fetid odor and "very disagreeable taste", Ireland
  • May 14, 1864 - fall of "twenty masses, some of them as large as a human head, of a substance that 'resembled a dull-colored earthy lignite'", Montauban, France
  • May 16, 1833 - fall of dead and dry fish, Futtepoor, India
  • May 16 or 17, 1834 - fall of dead, dry fish (or fish-shaped objects), Allahabad, India
  • May 18, 1883 - fall of 'a number of stones of peculiar formation and shapes, unknown in this neighborhood' in a tornado, Hillsboro, Ill.
  • May 22, 1884 - fall of flinty stones, Bismarck, [North] Dakota
  • May 27, 1884 - peculiar stone "'very like the fourth part of a large Stilton cheese'" found near a fall of a meteorite

I think that pretty well covers the subject for the month of May.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Students' Pages, JMC 352, Spring 2005 Web pages done by my students this semester.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

12 to Midnight
EN World - Morrus' D&D / d20 News & Reviews Site - History - Name Five Things You've Done That Others Probably Have Not This is such a great thread! Just goes to show that everyone's amazing in their own way. Maybe some more than others.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Straczynski Project Watch - Worlds of JMS A story called "The Darkness Between the Stars" will be published in issue 7 of BoDW.
Distributors of Book of Dark Wisdom - The magazine of dark fiction & Lovecraftian horror - Sweet! Birmingham B&N is one of the places carrying it!

I printed out a copy of Rolling the Bones today. I'm once again impressed at how nice it turned out. Kudos to 93 Games Studio!
Today I start to work on the Libraries supplement in earnest. Thos and I discussed feats last night, coming up with 5 ideas. Not sure what final form those will take. My working title is Hitting the Books: A Library and Archive Supplement.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Book of Dark Wisdom - The magazine of dark fiction & Lovecraftian horror

My story "Detour" will be published in the Spring 2007 issue!

Monday, May 02, 2005

Rolling the Bones: A Graveyard Supplement is out :: :: Where Gamers get their News
Rolling the Bones: A Graveyard Supplement has been published by 93 Games Studio! It's available via these four fine suppliers:

Digital Book Booth

Keith Taylor has done a great job with it. If you play d20 Modern or even Call of Cthulhu, you must own this PDF! And at $5.00 for 41 pages, it's a real bargain.